Their Temperaments are Stellar !!
Playful, yet calm and loving. This great RARE Breed does not have aggressive issues, they were orginally and are still bred as a "Companion Dog". That's why they are amazing pets! They were not bred for hunting, catching rats, guard dog, etc. NO AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR.. So unlike most breeds, the male and females are EQUALLY Loving & "Mushy" and have equal desirable temperaments, are Easily trained & Love EACH member of the household - not 1 favorite person. They are also VERY intelligent, have a real "giving" nature and live to please their family, and are EASY to train in all disciplines.
We DO sell our Pups to families with Small Children. We discuss safety parameters with parents. Small children will naturally want to pick up, poke a puppy's eye or pull on a leg-tail or ear. Cavalier puppies are very small & gentle - so certain safeguards need to be taken to make sure the puppy is not played with like a beany baby. Constant Parental control and and proper gating are the keys - and we discuss this with all new potential buyers in detail. We NEVER sell to pet stores or dog brokers !
COLORS of Cavaliers:
We breed for the classic Blenheim (sparkling white and red patches); the expressive Tricolor (sparkling white with black patches and red markings); the mahogany Ruby Red; and very rarely the Black and Tan pups. Each of our dogs are magnificently marked, have beautiful silky coats, and loving, large, dark, expressive eyes. They have CHAMPION lineage and are striking to look at !!
The cavalier's coat (fur) in incredibly silky soft, long and lush. Puppies have their soft short fur, with long ears and big button eyes. Too adorable! Cavaliers stay "puppyish" for about 2 years, but over the next few years, their coats grown in long and lush - but stop growing when the dog is fully mature at about 3-4 years of age. They should not have dander problems if fed a high quality dry dog food like RAWZ Meal Free Food in Chicken - it's amazing. NEVER WET FOOD - that will lead to diarrhea & rotting teeth. They can be bathed in the sink or tub with doggie or no tear baby shampoo and conditioner used after, then towel dried in the summer and blow dried, if you like, "on the lowest heat setting" in the winter. Cavaliers are a "Low Maintenance Coated Dog", we call them "wash & wear dogs". They do NOT need expensive grooming which saves a lot of time and money. They do need to be brushed a few times a week, and do shed, but with brushing their little bodies, it is kept to a minimum - but it is not needle fur like a Lab, and the fur does not "become part of the comfy sofa fabric forever lol".
Be patient with a baby and he will reward you with everlasting love and joy. Puppies eat 3 times a day with potty breaks through out the day. New owners MUST be willing to devote the time needed to properly care for a puppy. It's a constant repeatative job in the Beginning of taking the pup out every 1 - 1 1/2 hours to "go potty" for effective and quick potty training. BUT REMEMBER - a puppy being potty trained is NOT going to wait 1 - 1/2 hours to poop or urinate - when they have to go - they will go!!! That's why you need to be home to ALWAYS Supervise your puppy to see if he/she starts to circle round and round, sniffing the ground a lot, or starts to squat down - these are all signs that your puppy is ready to go potty! If you work long hours and are not home to care for the puppy and do not have a plan in place to properly care for ALL the needs of a puppy, DO NOT consider getting ANY Breed of Puppy.
Puppies need care and attention to stay a social, loving part of your family. It's important to bond to your new puppy by holding, petting, kissing, talking to, and snuggling A Lot each day - I know - it's a joy to do with this amazing breed - They will love it as much as you do!!! Puppies and cavaliers in particular should NOT be left home alone during the day. They THRIVE on human companionship and need someone home to love and be with. NEVER crate a puppy or dog for any length of time greater than 2-2 1/2 hours. This is inhumane and you will train your dog to become extremely unhappy, crying, barking, neurotic, unsocialized dog with a miserable life. We never sell to such people. We are very selective to whom we sell to. We provide you with a lot of literature of proper crate training, potty & behavior training with each puppy. We help to make the novice and expert :) We never sell our pups on a first come, first serve basis. We work with potential new owners to make sure a cavalier is a good fit for their lifestyle, work schedule and family.
All our pups are given Conformation and Temperament evaluations. This is to insure a high standard of overall quality to our buyers.
We also bring them all to our Vet for a VERY thorough health examination & screening to make sure they are all super healthy for you. New owners, of course, get a copy of ALL Health Certificates from the Pup AND the Parents. - we are transparent and have nothing to hide. Your puppy will also get their first 6-in-one shot and Bordatella Nasal medication by us, and the rest of the shots your vet takes care of.
WHY ARE OUR CAVALIERS SO SOUGHT AFTER? The cavalier is known as the "dog for all seasons". They are equally happy in houses with yards or apartments in the city. They are great with Families with kids, retirees, and everyone in between. They will be a loyal companion, but love everyone they meet and will happily expect to be pet by them, lol! They are considered a "miniature breed" but do not have that awful high pitched yappy bark (if they bark at all) and are not frail. They are a solid dog that loves to be patted & hugged. They can easily be taught to fetch, do tricks, or become an amazing therapy or agility dogs. Our girls work as amazing therapy dogs and perform mini miracles daily with the wonderful special needs population we service!! They "Morph" into your lifestyle, will be the added Love of your lives, and will be the very Best Companion Dog you have ever had.
We made a sweet slide show of Cavaliers for You and your family to enjoy. This was made when Covid began and our Animal Assisted Therapy Program was temporarily on hold for a few months. The kids needed a connection to our dogs, so this adorable video was made. The kids watched it over and over at home and gave them a needed connection to our dogs & program. - Enjoy!!!
Our Cavaliers are Sold at 9-12 weeks of age.
A lot of breeders, for some reason that is beyond us, don't tell their potential customers that your pup needs ALL of its puppy shots and rabies shot BEFORE it can be walked on "Public Domain" (streets, sidewalks, pet stores, dog parks, anywhere where another "Unknown" dog/animal may have roamed.) That is Approximately 16 weeks of age. If you have a backyard or other secure area (balcony, roof top, secure outside area) for the puppy to go potty that is great! - but if you don't that means you will have to paper train your puppy in your home until the pup gets all his/her shots. How long will that take? Cavaliers nurse for an extra long time - until about 6 - 6 1/2 weeks here. This extra attention, love and behavior training from the mother dog is essential. It also gives them extended immunity to 8 - 8 1/2 weeks of age which is when they get their first shot. The 2nd shot is given 2-3 weeks later, the third shot and Rabies 2-3 weeks later, depending on what your vet recommends. Then you are finished with shots, until the pup is a year old. Around one year of age, your pup just need a puppy booster and a rabies shot, each vet is different in when they give inoculation. So doing the math, if all vet appts. are on time, your puppy can walk on public domain at around 16 weeks of age. In New Jersey it is State Law that a Rabies shot cannot be given until a puppy is 16 weeks of age. Different states will give the rabies shot at different ages
On "Public Domain", If an uninoculated dog poops, goes nose to nose with your dog, or throws up outside and your pup steps in it or licks it (it does not have to be fresh to be harmful) - your partially inoculated pup can get very sick, or get parasites. We have given many apartment dwellers the knowledge and product information needed to easily care for their puppies while going through the potty training stage inside their apartment. Being a home owner with a yard is a whole lot easier though. Being Home for your pup/dog is vital, cavaliers are very friendly & social!!
A BIGGER PICTURE on Cardiac Health. Every dog breed has potential health issues, unfortunately. A LOT of the other "SMALL" breeds of dogs have the same issue as cavaliers, and actually can have a lot MORE to worry about, because Generation after Generation, those other breeds have Never seen a Cardiologist, Opthalmologist or been DNA tested. This also goes for the Poodle Mixes (Cavapoos = Expensive Mutts) that are all the rage now - you don't know what you are getting health wise! These Poo mixes are Not New Breeds - it takes DECADES of diligent work by professional, experienced breeders & researchers to develop a new breed. These Poo breeders state that the puppy will not have the cavalier or poodle "issues" - but Will have the BEST of both breeds. There is NO gurantee that a new owner will get the "BEST" of both breeds in a mixed breed puppy. The temperment, health, fur type, size - It is a crap shoot with each puppy and each litter because the genetics are all over the place. The worst health traits can easily come out. Ethical Cavalier breeders are different. We at Sweetdream Cavaliers go the extra mile with testing to "LOOK" and want to see if there are issues, so we can breed any potential issues OUT! This is our passion and commitment for us, and for our beloved cavs, and we've done it well for over 30 years. We only breed cavaliers that are 100% Healthy.
Have questions or want to learn more about our puppies? Contact us today and we'll be happy to help. We're passionate about connecting our puppies with loving families and look forward to hearing from you!
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