Sweet Dream Cavaliers Quality, Love, Health, Integrity
Making Puppy Dreams Come True.
Making Puppy Dreams Come True.
Pet People like you scour the internet looking for a Reputable, Friendly breeder. We get emails daily from all over the country! To make it easier to Secure getting a Healthy, Well-Socialized, Loving, Beautiful and Friendly puppy from us, we just started a Preferred Waiting List!
We are Taking Applications Now. Please read through our friendly, informative website for all the details you need to know!
If you are Serious about getting a pup over the next few weeks or months, please read through our ENTIRE website to learn about us, and have loads of your Basic and NOT so Basic Questions answered. After you read through our website, then please Fill out the "Puppy Questionnaire" in our website and email it back to us Quickly to robin.sweetdream@gmail.com thank you. :)
Sweet Dream Cavaliers - THE Perfect SMALL, RARE BREED, Family Companion! Our Dogs Live with Us in the comfort of Our Big Home. Socialized and Loved from Birth by our nurturing extended family. We can have all 4 colors !!
For over 30 years we have been blessed to be with cavaliers, working with them to facilitate Animal Assisted Therapy/Activities; In the Show Ring; and Providing Occassional well-bred, healthy, socialized, friendly, playful, lovingly mushy family puppy companions. They love children & adults alike.
It is Easy to fall in love with a "cute puppy face"! What is even MORE important is to know What Health tests were done and When. You are NOT looking for a Heart Breaking Health Issue, Money-Pit Dog!! You ARE looking for a Healthy, Socialized, Loving, Beautiful Family companion. That is what we have. We do YEARLY BOARD CERTIFIED HEALTH EXAMS, and DNA Testing.
The "internet" is a VERY TRICKY place" and there are a lot of slick people out there looking to make a fast buck at your and the pup's expense with horrible puppy mills. Do your research. Google the East Coast Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Breeders Club AND the CKCSC.org. Those are the PARENT sites for Quality Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. We are ofcourse Long Standing memebers with those clubs. We are an ethical group of dedicated professional cavalier owners/breeders that love and care for our dogs, and will help you in any way possible to find the perfect pup!!! Our dogs are also registered with the AKC for local championship shows.
DON'T just fall in love with a cute face- your new pet's health is vitally important! Buying a "Bargain Internet", "Irish Import", Puppy Store" , "Amish Puppy Mill", "Mid-West" pup locations that will ship to you, "Designer Poodle/Cavalier Mixed Breeds" or "Backyard Breeder", be REAL careful and do your homework before purchasing. These are all TRAPS that unknowing buyers Easily fall prey. These ill bred Pups should have never been born. Where is the Health Testing on the Parents? Are the Pedigrees Legit? Did you know Poodles and ALL breeds of dogs can have serious health issues? If not tested properly your adorable puppy can cost you Many of Thousands of dollars in Vet bills, and cause you and your puppy a lot of pain and tremendous heart break to try and fix a sickly, misbred dog that may not even be a purebred cavalier!
"A Quality Pet from a Code of Ethics Breeder is a Treasured Family Member." "A misbred, puppy-milled animal is an emotional and financial heartbreak!" Over the past 30+ years, we have spoken to scores of well meaning people who have cried bitterly to us about their horor stories and financial losses from beening unknowingly conned into purchasing a puppymilled cavaliers, purchased from pet store, backyard breeders, irish imports, or falsly pedigreed pups. After that awful experience, they realize they have been taken advantage of, and thankfully call a reputable breeder to find a family socialized, healthy, loving, purebred cavalier. This happens everday - It is very sad for the dogs and owners - but true. At Sweetdream Cavaliers we strive to add a loving, mushy, social, pure-bred, healthy family member to enhance your life.
We pay Scrupulous attention to the health details in our dogs.
Our Dogs have once again Passed their Yearly Board Certified Cardiologist and Opthalmology tests and are clear through 2025. YAY!
They are also tested for patella luxation and any hip abnormalities Several Times a Year by a Chiropractor. Our Dogs are also DNA with the American Kennel Club.
In addition we do NEW DNA tests that a lot of other breeders do not do. After spending loads of additional money on our dogs for these extra tests, (what's new!), We are happy to Report that NONE of our dogs will pass on to their pups:
1. Curly Coat, or Dry Eye Syndrome,
2. Episodic Falling Syndrome.
We are also now implementing "16 NEW Spaniel Specific DNA testing" to make sure our Dogs are Clear of other DNA issues not commonly done by most breeders.
(255 Individual DNA Tests are done in Total!).
We Never Breed a Dog that has a health issue!
We are Not afraid of testing our dog! When we do occasionally breed, we want to breed the BEST cavaliers G-D has to offer, and bless us with. We are very diligent in our breeding program and look to breed the healthiest, well adjusted, happy, social, loving and beautiful cavaliers available!
That's what dedicated hobby breeders do! This is our Passion!!
In the "Code of Ethics" requirement from the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club-USA, and the Cavaliers of the North East, it is required that the dog be tested by a vet tech, a vet or a "Board Certified" dog cardiologist, and Board Certified" dog ophthalmologist to give their stamp of approval on the heart and eyes of cavaliers every few years. (On the form it lists who did the test). It is MUCH cheaper for a breeder to go to a regular vet to get these tests. But, they are great PCP's are NOT experts in this area of medicine, and can give Limited to NO accurate information as to the true health of a dog's eyes & heart. Just like people, we feel "Specialists are Required" to do in-depth testing to make sure the eyes & heart are fine and pass as healthy. Plus, we test YEARLY, not every few years. This gives Us and You Peace of Mind that with a yearly health full check-up, additional DNA testing, and the Board Certified Yearly tests, the parents are cleared of health issues, giving pups a fantastic foundation of health. Over the past 30+ year with this amazing breed, we have always gone the HIGH ROAD with health testing. These are our beloved dogs who are also therapy dogs and make a world of difference in peoples lives as pets and in our therapy program at special needs schools.
Cavaliers are No different in cost than other rarer, sought after breeds. But as stated earlier, we have generational positive health testing behind us. A well-bred, healthy Cavaliers is Rare. Some people may have purchased a cavalier 10-16 years ago when the economy was different, and health testing was very lax & limited! Or, someone may have purchased from a pet store, a puppy broker, the newspaper, importer or internet scam. Today with More Health Testing available and being done by us and other ethical breeders, the Health Standards and Costs for us are Significantly higher. That is what you are looking for! Cavaliers are a VERY Popular dog, but a Well Bred, Healthy, Human Socialized from Birth, Friendly Pup whose Parents and Past generations have been Consistently health tested Yearly is NOT so common!!! So there is a "sticker shock" with some people. My Breeder friends with the Cavaliers Club and the AKC, (all of whom are also quality, ethical breeders) sell their puppies from between $6,000-9,000. We, at Sweetdream Cavaliers, sell our pups for $6,000, males and females, sometimes more if we breed out to Champion Stud dog. We have not raised our price for years, even though our costs have skyrocketed!!!!! We understand this amount of money can be a stretch for some people. My advise is to wait & save up and get a quality cavalier. Remember a Cavalier is a Rare breed dog, a Well Bred cavalier is even Rarer. As a quality hobby breeder, we are committed to spend thousands of dollars on Yearly extra health testing, Stud fees, special formulations of supplements & foods for pregnant and lactating queens, and other things a regular pet owner will NEVER have to do. We go the extra mile to produce pudgy, healthy, social, happy, exceptionally well bred pups. Why ? This is our passion, we do it for You and the health of our puppies, for the next generation of therapy/ESA dogs and for the next champion. We thankfully have longevity in our lines, so if you do the math, it will cost LESS than $500 a year for a loving, four legged amazing companion. It is better to pay upfront for a Quality puppy with great lineage, than spend $10,000 - $20,000 in trying to "SAVE or "FIX" a "bargain" cavalier that should have never been born from a broker, puppy mill, amish, irish importer, midwest puppy mill or backyard breeder... There is no bargain in getting a cheap cavalier - just heartache & massive vet bills! If you can't afford one, then begin saving up for one - it is well worth it, or go to a local shelter and save a dog.
If you see a puppy listed anywhere for less than that - Buyer Beware - IT IS MORE THAN LIKELY NOT A HEALTHY ANIMAL and NOT even a Purebred - they will probably not be a reputable breeder, not have "real" pedigrees (yes they do forge them!) , or do YEARLY health testing on the parents, answer your questions honestly without an attitude, be a member of an established club, not have the mother/parents available, etc... There are "no bargains" with a RARE breed dog. You get what you pay for. You can invest in a family pet that should give you years of happiness due to great breeding in temperment, health and beauty - that's who We are. OR - go the "bargain" route and be faced with significant illness and expense, and emotional trauma in surgeries and medications. We believe in providing a quality "family member" not a money pit pup. We stress this point to you because we want to educate you to the "Slick" people out there who just want to make a fast buck off of you. A puppy is not a car or a piece of jewelry - but a living and breathing gift from G-D. Our sweet cavaliers and Your emotional and financial decisions are very important to us.
At Sweetdream Cavaliers, we believe in responsible breeding practices that prioritize the health and well-being of our dogs. We are committed to occassionally producing happy and healthy cavalier puppies that will make great pets for families and individuals alike.
We have terrific tips on everything Cavalier.
If we do not have a puppy - be patient SIGN UP FOR OUR PREFERRED WAITING LIST, or go to www.EastCoastCavalierBreeders.com or the www.ckcsc.org and look for other quality breeders. This is a RARE dog - you want a Quality family member, not a heart breaking, expensive health issue from an unknown, possibly shady source - be patient - it will pay off!!!!!
We are Always here to help! If you have a special request, send us a message, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
1984 Sweetdream Cavaliers - Forever Guardians of Cavaliers. Quality, Ethics, Love All Rights Reserved.
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